
Can Artificial Intelligence Be Used to Fight Illnesses?

The introduction of artificial intelligence systems in medicine is one of the most important current trends in global healthcare. Artificial intelligence technology is fundamentally changing the world’s healthcare system, making it possible to fundamentally redesign medical diagnostics, develop new medicines, and generally improve the quality of healthcare services while reducing costs for medical clinics.

How artificial intelligence helps to fight coronavirus

Artificial intelligence has learned to recognize lung blackouts caused by the coronavirus. Artificial intelligence analysis of CT scan data finds areas of change and calculates their volume, determining the severity of the disease. As a reminder, to begin with, to identify COVID-19 disease, you need to use rapid test kits like FlowFlex. It can now determine the disease with an accuracy of over 90%. The advantage of using artificial intelligence is an accurate assessment of the degree of lung tissue damage – this is important to reduce the subjective factor in assessing the course of the disease. Medical workers determine the level of the lesion by eye.

Prediction of the need for hospitalization

As soon as the mass spread of coronavirus on the planet began, we were all worried about how to keep ourselves healthy. Particular concerns were how to keep your kids safe if they became ill with COVID-19. And then, a few years ago, it became known that medical institutions began to use artificial intelligence to predict the need to hospitalize patients. The project uses a system algorithm to analyze the complexity of patients’ medical conditions, predict which patients might need hospitalization, and help general practitioners work to reduce that risk. So, physicians could know in advance when to intervene to help physicians make accurate predictions and better plan the use of resources – the number of hospital beds, medications, and more.

How else can artificial intelligence help

Another example of the use of artificial intelligence to combat coronavirus infection is an online test that allows you to assess the risk of severe disease in a potential patient (taking into account the person’s pre-existing chronic diseases, whether he smokes or not, and so on). Artificial intelligence can also be used to monitor the patient’s condition. For example, the system can remind about the mode of lung ventilation (position on the stomach), monitor motor activity, and perform special breathing exercises.

Artificial intelligence can also be used for remote patient monitoring and video analytics and used in specialized chatbots. All of this helps reduce the amount of direct contact between doctors and patients. Since not much is known about COVID-19, if doctors can determine more factors about the condition of patients based on big data, it would help a lot in the fight against the pandemic.

AI hospitals in Japan

In August 2018, it was announced that the Japanese government, with the support of business and academia, had begun building hospitals with artificial intelligence to help doctors. With the help of artificial intelligence technology, it is expected to cope with the shortage of doctors, relieve the staff, and reduce medical costs. The plan is first to build 10 experimental hospitals that will use artificial intelligence technology for various tasks, from managing patients’ medical records to performing medical tests and diagnostics using medical imaging techniques.