What to Post on Instagram in 2022

Instagram has become a very big social media platform over the years. What would you post on Instagram in 2022? Instagram boasts more than 400 million daily active users worldwide. As Instagram continues to evolve, it will change how we communicate. Instagram is the world’s largest photo-sharing app, so it makes sense that marketers are starting to use it to promote their products and services.

You can share photos of products and services directly on Instagram. For example, you could upload a picture of a car or a pair of shoes. Or you could post pictures of yourself wearing clothes or accessories that you sell.

Posting pictures of your product and services is one way of getting free IG followers. But what other content should you post on Instagram in 2022? Here are some very good ideas to get you started.


Videos make great posts on Instagram. They give you the chance to tell a story and showcase your product or service in action. For example, you could post a video showing how to install a window blind or how to operate a home appliance.

Live Events and Stories

Live events are another great way to connect with your audience on Instagram. You can host a giveaway or hold a contest, or you can simply invite followers to attend a party or event. Stories are short videos that let you share moments from your day. They’re perfect for showcasing special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries.


Quotes are great when you want to express something meaningful. You could quote famous figures or sayings, or you could write your own.

What not to Post on Instagram in 2022

Instagram is growing rapidly and becoming increasingly popular among brands. But just like any other thing else, there are some things you shouldn’t post on Instagram. Here are some tips to avoid posting content that won’t go viral.

Avoid Selfies

Selfies are pretty common these days, but they’re also very boring. There’s nothing exciting about taking a picture of yourself standing next to a wall or sitting in front of a mirror. Unless you’re trying to promote a product or service, selfies are best left for private moments.

Don’t Share Too Much Information


People love getting updates on what they care about. When you share too much information, however, you run the risk of making yourself seem unprofessional. For instance, if you’re promoting a brand, don’t mention specific prices or discounts. Instead, focus on highlighting the benefits of the product or service.

Be Careful With Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to find relevant posts on social media platforms. But they can also lead to spammy posts. If you’re going to use hashtags, make sure you only use them for relevant topics. Or else, you could end up with a bunch of irrelevant posts cluttering your feed; if you are looking for where to get or how to buy Instagram likes, you can visit special websites.

Don’t Use Excessive Emojis

Emojis are cute, but they’re also distracting. If you really want to convey emotion, try writing a short message instead. And, if you absolutely must use emojis, consider sticking to a small number of different ones.

Don’t Include Links

Links are useful for directing readers to websites or pages within your blog. But including links in every single sentence makes your posts difficult to read. Try to link to key points within your posts so that readers can easily follow along.


Instagram is an excellent tool for marketing because it gives you the opportunity to share photos and videos. It’s important to be careful when using Instagram, though, especially when you’re promoting your business.